The wind speaks in whispers

Yevgeniya Suleymanova
3 min readSep 2, 2021

“Life is about growth and change and when you are no longer doing either, you’ve received your first whisper” — Oprah.

This morning I woke up at 6:42 by the sun beaming into my little studio apartment in manhattan. While I had my shades down, this never stopped the sun from finding its way into my life. My lip curled up slightly just thinking of the beauty and stillness of the morning. I inhaled deeply allowing the energy of the new day to enter my insides. I could feel my body awaken, little by little. I rolled over to the left side of my bed and saw my puppy resting in his fluffy chocolate-colored pillow bed, patiently waiting for me to rise so we can go on our daily walks around the neighborhood.

Today felt different. It was only a few hours before that the remnants of Hurricane Ida swept across the states on the east coast. Along with many others in their own homes, I watched with awe at the angry wind, the downpour, the beautiful lightning, with fascination and gratitude for being sheltered inside and for my loved ones all safe in their homes. Nonetheless, the morning came with calmness and the wind came with a message. A hint of autumn lingered in the air like a thin sheet, one you’d want to curl up in with a warm body next to you.

As I planted both feet on the ground, I went about my weekday morning routine, but again, something felt different. Walking through the branch-covered wet streets I contemplated what the imminent change of the season meant for me. I was never one to seek out being idle — I needed change as much as I needed love and connection. Without it, I felt deeply incomplete. Why did we fear change so often in our lives? We choose to avoid the end of something familiar, something comfortable, something stagnant without embracing the possible adventure or new beginning that awaits us on the other side.

This morning I choose to listen to the whispers of the universe, those that allowed me to feel deeply uncomfortable. It is at that moment I knew I was evolving, I was embracing change no matter how difficult and scary it may have been. I was stepping into the darkness in hopes to inch one step closer to the sun that always greeted me in the morning.

Oftentimes we seek guidance from external forces. Some of us ask a friend or mentor for advice, others consult the stars. I say with deep confidence, the answer is always within our own selves. The whispers, the feelings, the inklings, and the tingles we feel in our hearts and perhaps even in our stomachs are enough to let us know we have our backs. It is the reality of this feeling, the change that may come about with it — that is the reason we sometimes don't listen or trust what we already have within us.

I walked with the wind today, and he whispered to me because he knew I needed it: you are on the right path, you are supported and loved along the way. Allow yourself to embrace the uncomfortable, trust yourself, and just take a step at a time. The leaves will change colors and so will you. You’ll experience different shades of green, light blue, and even lily purple. And I will always be by your side.

Listen to the whispers the wind brings to you.



Yevgeniya Suleymanova

Positivity enthusiast and spiritual dweller - dancing, eating, laughing, and crying through life’s beautiful happenings