Day 12

Yevgeniya Suleymanova
2 min readJan 3, 2021

Does your environment control your thinking or does your thinking control your reality — tbd

Y’all — we are powerful freaking manifesters. If I told you that your mind is currently creating your future with every atom of energy that you’re putting out there, you’d think I am nuts right? Okay maybe I am nuts, but I am not wrong. We are powerful beings and our thoughts have greater power than we think. You may look at this quote and think, “how can my thinking control my environment if I was placed here when I was born. This situation, whatever it may be, I had no hand in creating.” Sure you cannot control the environment you were brought into, but you can definitely impact the environment that you want to be your reality, even as early as childhood. That's the magic of our thoughts.

Recently I took a course on design thinking which essentially teaches you a framework on how to design your personal or professional life through little problems we identify. The key step in this process is reframing the problem. Not only does this step offer a new perspective in thinking. It reshapes our future in which we set forth to conquer this question. For instance, someone might identify the following problem: how can I climb the corporate ladder when I have two young children in school and have to take care of the household. Already we can identify that this person’s environment is influenced or controlled by her thinking of scarcity or unavailability in her possible success due to her responsibilities at home. If we dissect this problem statement even more and reframe it, we can apply our thinking to control our reality. A reframed statement could be: my ideas and team at work is really benefitting from my leadership. I am on the path to great success. I can utilize this empowered feeling to discuss methods at home with my partner or caretaker to ensure I dedicate time to my work and my family. Also, because I have great relationships with my coworkers, I feel comfortable having transparent conversations with the team to talk about a potential flexible working arrangement so I can be home earlier during the week to have dinner with my family. Boom. Different thought processes, powerful manifestation in process, empowering reframed problem statement.



Yevgeniya Suleymanova

Positivity enthusiast and spiritual dweller - dancing, eating, laughing, and crying through life’s beautiful happenings