Day 0:

Yevgeniya Suleymanova
2 min readDec 8, 2020

The beginning of a new chapter starts with one word.

I was put on this planet to make a large positive impact across the world. I am absolutely certain of this and I feel it in my heart and bones and soul. I feel it when I walk outside and see people pass me and they look at me like they know too. I have a beautiful gift that I love and am proud of. I exude positive energy and I have the power to change energies in the room with my presence. My energy completely consumes the room. My smile makes me so happy and I love making people smile with my smile. Oftentimes I feel like I am literally the sun and where I walk around, the mood instantly becomes brighter and more positive. And I’m not saying this to brag about myself. I am saying what I feel and what I experience. I truly have this passion to bathe in and live and share my positive joy. I didn’t always know I had a greater calling. In fact, it felt like quite the opposite. I would go to bed, sometimes crying myself to sleep, hoping the next day would finally be my last — depressing I know. But it's okay, because the rawness of those emotions truly made me feel into this path and purpose that I have set on to.

Writing was always an outlet for me, as was dancing. Putting words into sentences into paragraphs and pages felt so natural to me, it allowed me to be vulnerable with the feelings I kept pent up inside and was too shy to share. But how beautiful is it to weave together these words into stories that give life to a new idea or inspire human connection? In a similar way, when I dance, I connect with the rhythm of the song, the beat of the instruments becomes my heartbeat and we are one. I am narrating the story of the song through my body movement. Collectively, with all the sweaty bodies on the dance floor, we are one singular being of human connection of deep love and emotion. Ugh, so beautiful, so powerful, a perfect outlet for creation that knows no boundaries.

So, that is why I’ve decided to start publishing my writing. I learned about this challenge called Ship 30 for 30 from The Founder’s Journal podcast. Alex Lieberman spoke about Dickie Bush, the founder of this experiment. Simply, it activates your writing muscle. As someone who desires to reach millions of people to make a profound contribution to society are wellness, I always dreamed of becoming a writer — this would help me reach my audience and do what I love as well. I learned, if you want to become anything, you simply just start. So, welcome. My name is Yevgeniya Suleymanova, and I am an author. I hope these words inspire you, make you smile, and give you the courage to start your own journey, whatever that may be. The beginning of every new chapter starts with one word.



Yevgeniya Suleymanova

Positivity enthusiast and spiritual dweller - dancing, eating, laughing, and crying through life’s beautiful happenings